Both living with severe Arthritis and mobility issues,
Alan and Joan Preston from Kinmel Bay have been able to regain their freedom thanks to two TGA Breeze mobility scooters. |
Both living with severe Arthritis and mobility issues, Alan and Joan Preston (aged 57 and 77 respectively) from Kinmel Bay near Rhyl, North Wales, have been able to regain their freedom thanks to two TGA Breeze S4 mobility scooters.
Their Breeze scooters are the same as the model that won the BBC Top Gear extreme mobility scooter challenge, and that recently established a new world record for: ‘The Greatest distance covered in 24 hours by a mobility scooter.’ Completed by Steve Tarrant at Goodwood Motor Circuit in May, a TGA Breeze recorded a distance of over 190 miles and delivered 100% reliability whilst running on purposely-punctured tyres to demonstrate the effectiveness of TGA’s new sealant system. This proven robustness and performance appealed to Alan and Joan who both live with disability and without trusted mobility scooters, would not be able to access the outdoors safely and with peace of mind.
Alan was a highly skilled furniture maker for the leading brand Ercol but had to take early retirement after 35 years of service due to ill health. He was a leading craftsman at the business in Buckinghamshire until the affects of Arthritis in his spine became too much to continue working. Alan found giving up work extremely difficult however he decided with his wife, to make a fresh start by moving away from Aylesbury and beginning a new life on the coast. They finally settled in Kinmel Bay several years ago however independence outdoors was becoming ever more impossible without the assistance of a mobility scooter. Alan has chronic back problems and uses a wheelchair indoors to move around and his wife, who cares for him, also has Arthritis that severely limits her walking. The selection of two Breezes, one through the Motability scheme and the other direct from TGA, have improved the Preston’s quality of life and wellbeing significantly.
Alan comments: “We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world and our TGA scooters give us priceless freedom. Having to give up work was really tough for me, however moving to Wales and then choosing TGA Breezes are the best things we could have ever done. As my pain levels in my wheelchair accessible car were getting so bad, I had to give up driving which makes these scooters even more valuable. Joan and I go out most days and can access our local coastline including Colwyn Bay or Prestatyn and back home on one battery charge – a round trip of over 20 miles. We get stopped countless times by locals asking where they can get one of these amazing buggies, we’ve even had a crowd of people round us when it Colwyn Bay asking lots of questions! Despite the coastal path being regularly covered in sand our Breeze’s have the traction to drive through several inches and the orthopaedic seat really supports my back. My wife takes picnics in her rear-mounted box so we can spend time enjoying the beautiful scenery – without this independence we would be left looking at four walls at home. Only in a matter of a few months, we have clocked up nearly 1500 miles between us from a combination of everyday shopping trips to sight seeing further afield.”
Alan continues: “My wife had her hip replaced in 2010 and also suffers with Arthritis so had to give up riding her push bike. Joan’s condition isn't as acute as mine but nevertheless without a scooter, it was becoming an ever increasing challenge for her to care for me as any walking is so draining for her. Now she too has a Breeze, she has the energy to still look after me at home and we can enjoy being together when out and about. This extra energy and peace of mind has helped me to continue employing my wood working skills in my workshop at home. I still have all the kit including a bandsaw, mind you these days I can only manage to craft small pieces from sitting in my wheelchair such as children’s toys that I donate to local fetes and charities. For all our health difficulties, we can't complain as we now have a good life with routine and independence outdoors, which is such a massive positive for both of us. We see accessibility slowly improving in shops and public places with wider doorways and fewer steps which is encouraging for all mobility scooter users in the future.”
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